Working Papers
Working papers (WP) published by the Dyson School are journal-article-length research papers. They are used to share research results in a timely fashion and garner input from professional peers prior to anticipated publication in professional journals.
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No. | Title | Author |
2025-01 | Price Elasticities of Demand for Meat Products at Farmers Markets | Rigotti, LeRoux, Chui, Schmit |
No. | Title | Author |
No. | Title | Author |
2022-01 | Engaged Learning: Mutual Benefits for Course Instructions and Extension Program Delivery | Schmit, Stamm, Severson |
2022-02 | Higher Member Heterogeneity improves cooperative performance? Evidence from cooperative unions in China | Huang, Schmit, Kong |
2022-03 | Economic impact assessment of public incentives to support farm-to-school food purchases | Krasnoff, Schmit, Bilinski |
No. | Title | Author |
2021-01 | When Distance Drives Destination, Towns Can Stimulate Development | De Weerdt, Christiaensen, Kanbur |
2021-02 | COVID-19 Impact on Fruit and Vegetable Markets: One Year Later | Chenarides, Richards and Rickard |
2021-03 | Sell Now or Later? A Decision-Making Model for Feeder Cattle Selling | Yan, Schmit, Baker, LeRoux, Gomez |
2021-04 | Differential economic impacts for cooperative business structures: An application to farmer-owned cooperatives in New York State |
Schmit, Tamarkin, Severson |
No. | Title | Author |
2020-01 | Date Labels, Food Waste, and Implications for Dietary Quality | Rickard, Ho, Livat, Okrent |
2020-02 | COVID-19 Impact on Fruit and Vegetable Markets | Richards, Rickard |
2020-03 | Differences in Milk Payment Structure by Cooperative and Independent Handlers: An Examination from New York State | Munch, Schmit, Severson |
2020-04 | Cooking Fuel Choice, Indoor Air Quality And Child Mortality in India | Basu, Byambasuren, Chau, Khanna |
2020-05 | Measuring Stocks of Community Wealth and its Association with Food Systems Efforts in Rural and Urban Places | Schmit, Jablonski, Bonanno, Johnson |
2020-06 | Fractal Urbanism: City Size and Residential Segregation in India. | Bharathi, Malghan, Mishra, Rahman |
2020-07 | Assessing the Value of Cooperative Membership | Munch, Schmit, Severson |
2020-08 | Examining Food Purchase Behavior and Food Values During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Ellison, McFadden, Rickard, Wilson |
2020-09 | No paper | |
2020-10 | Economic Inequality and Academic Freedom | Kanbur |
2020-11 | Meet The New Normal, Same As The Old Normal: The State Balance and Economic Policy Debates After the Pandemic | Kanbur |
2020-12 | Social Externalities and Economic Analysis | Fleurbaey, Kanbur, Viney |