John Tobin-de la Puente

John Tobin-de la Puente

  • Professor of Practice
  • Senior Faculty Fellow, Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability

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Interdisciplinary Theme

  • Business of Sustainability
  • Emerging Markets and Development
  • Investing at Cornell

Faculty Expertise

  • Sustainable Business
  • Finance
  • Global Business
  • Environmental, Energy and Resource Economics and Policy
  • Law
  • Sustainability


Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management


Cornell Directory Entry


John Tobin is a corporate lawyer and a tropical ecologist with over two decades of finance industry experience. Following a career in finance, he shifted his attention to the growing area of corporate sustainability and became managing director and global head of sustainability at Credit Suisse. In this position, he pioneered a variety of initiatives and policies aimed at improving environmental and social risk management in the banking industry and addressing the growing demand for sustainable investment products and services. In 2016, he transitioned into a faculty position at Cornell University, where he now teaches corporate sustainability, environmental finance, and related topics to undergraduate and graduate students in business and public affairs. His research focuses on the use of financial tools to generate non-financial returns for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

Tobin consults widely on matters of sustainability strategy, reporting, and disclosure, environmental and social risk management, stakeholder relations and reputational risk, and related areas for financial institutions, corporates, and civil society organizations. In addition, he actively engages with industry and civil society to develop financial solutions to sustainability problems, including as chair of the board of directors of International Union for Conservation of Nature-United States (IUCN-US) and as co-founder of the Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation (CPIC). Tobin has extensive leadership and governance experience at the board level, particularly with entities in the areas of environment, science, and education, and he currently chairs the board of directors of the IUCN-US. He holds a PhD from the department of organismic and evolutionary biology at Harvard University, a JD from Harvard Law School, and a BS in biology from the University of California at Los Angeles.

Selected Publications

Awards and Honors

  • Teaching Recognition Award for Excellence in Sustainable Finance Education (2021) Financial Times and the Impact and Sustainable Finance Faculty Consortium

Recent Courses

  • AEM 5300 - CEMS Block Seminar
  • AEM 2555 - Corporate Sustainability
  • AEM 4090/AEM 6090 - Environmental Finance and Markets
  • AEM 4490/AEM 6490 - Financial Markets and Sustainability
  • AEM 4585/AEM 5585 - Sustainable Business

Academic Degrees

  • PhD Harvard University, 1995
  • JD Harvard University, 1995
  • BS University of California, Los Angeles, 1986