Elena Iankova

Elena Iankova

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor


Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management


Cornell Directory Entry


Elena Iankova's expertise and research interests are in the area of business, government, and civil society relations. Her book Eastern European Capitalism in the Making (Cambridge University Press, 2002) traces the metamorphosis of this relationship in the post-communist region after the fall of communism. She has been awarded a German Marshall Fund Fellowship, a National Council for Eurasian and East European Research grant, and a US Department of Education fellowship to conduct research on the new Europe after the fall of communism. Her book Business, Government, and EU Accession: Strategic Partnership and Conflict (Lexington Books, 2009) is the first comprehensive study that explores how accession to the EU has affected the relationship between business and government in post-communist countries.

Iankova has also conducted research on political risk management strategies of multinational corporations in the transition economies of the post-communist region, as well as on the impact of the multinational corporation on community development and on other socially responsible business practices. Her research findings have been published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations Journal, Journal of World Business, Journal for East European Management Studies, East European Politics and Societies, as well as in edited volumes.

At the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, Iankova teaches MBA-level courses Business in Transition Economies, Business and European Enlargement, International Political Risk Management, and Global Citizenship. She received her master's and PhD degrees from Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations, and her undergraduate degree in sociology from Sofia University, Bulgaria.

Recent Courses

  • NBA 5991 - Global Business Strategy
  • AEM 3991 - Global Business Strategy
  • AEM 3070 - Risk Management in Emerging Markets
  • NBA 5911 - Risk Management in Emerging Markets

Academic Degrees

  • PhD Cornell University, 1997
  • MS Cornell University, 1994
  • BA Sofia University, 1980