Ray Zimmerman

Ray Zimmerman

  • Senior Research Associate Emeritus

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Interdisciplinary Theme

Faculty Expertise

  • Environmental, Energy and Resource Economics and Policy
  • Electric Power Systems


Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management



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Ray Zimmerman is senior research associate at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management.

He is the lead developer of the MATPOWER software and the PowerWeb electricity market simulation platform and one of the developers of the Engineering, Economic, and Environmental Electricity Simulation Tool (E4ST). Both PowerWeb and E4ST are based on MATPOWER, a popular open source power system simulation and optimization software that is used worldwide, primarily for power systems education and research.

Zimmerman's current research interests center on the interactions between the economic and engineering aspects of electric power system operations and planning. Other interests include optimization and software tools for education and research. Previous research includes modeling and power flow algorithms for three-phase unbalanced electric distribution systems.

Selected Publications

Academic Degrees

  • PhD Cornell University, 1995
  • MS Cornell University, 1992
  • BS Drexel University, 1989