Ralph Dean Christy

Ralph Dean Christy

  • Professor

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Faculty Expertise

  • Applied Economics
  • Emerging Markets
  • International and Development Economics and Policy


Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management



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Ralph D. Christy is professor of emerging markets at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and director of Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development at Cornell University, where he teaches and conducts food marketing research and educational programs on the economic performance of markets and distribution systems. He has advised industry leaders and public policy makers on food marketing strategies, economic development, and the organization of the global food economy.

A PhD graduate of Michigan State University's Department of Agricultural Economics, Christy is past president of the American Agricultural Economics Association and is currently a board member of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, WinRock International, and the Agribusiness Capital Fund. He is the author of three books including, A Century of Service: Land Grant Colleges and Universities, 1890-1990 (1992); Achieving Sustainable Communities in a Global Economy (2004); and Emerging Markets (forthcoming). His recent research calls attention to the role of creating an enabling environment for accelerating agro-industries' contributions to sustain economic growth and development.

Recent Courses

  • AEM 4420/AEM 5420 - Emerging Markets
  • AEM 4421/AEM 5421 - Research and Strategy in Emerging Markets

Academic Degrees

  • PhD Michigan State University, 1980
  • MS Michigan State University, 1977
  • BS Southern University, 1975