Faculty Area
Interdisciplinary Theme
- Collaboration for International Development Economics Research
- Emerging Markets and Development
Faculty Expertise
- Management
- Economics
- Strategy
Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Daniela Scur studies organizations and how organizational practices affect firm and labor outcomes across countries and industries. Her work spans the private sector (with a focus on manufacturing firms, family firms and multinationals) as well as the public sector (with a focus on schools, principals and teachers). Firm outcomes she studies include productivity and profitability (including profit shifting); she also thinks about labor sorting and selection, inequality (of wage and opportunity), and mental health.
Scur is affiliated with the Center for Economic and Policy Research and the Productivity Partnership, and she is a research fellow at the London School of Economics with the Centre for Economic Performance. She also is a faculty fellow at the Cornell Smith Family Business Initiative and an invited researcher at J-PAL Latin America and the Caribbean and J-PAL North America. She works on two large data collection initiatives: the World Management Survey and the Development WMS.
Recent Courses
- AEM 7010 - Applied Microeconomics
- AEM 3010 - Managing People
Academic Degrees
- PhD University of Oxford, 2017
- MA University of Toronto, 2011
- BA University of Toronto, 2007