2023 MPS Applied Economics and Management Employment Data

See how an MPS from Cornell drives your potential earnings and career opportunities. The data below details the compensation, industry sectors, job functions, locations, and employers of recent graduates.

*The data in this report represents graduate outcomes for the graduating classes of 2022 and 2023.

Full-Time Job Offers and Acceptances

The figures below represent the job offers and acceptances of MPS in Applied Economics and Management (AEM) graduates who were actively seeking full-time employment opportunities.


Received Offers

within six months of graduation


Accepted Offers

within six months of graduation

Average base salary and signing bonus data

The compensation data for the MPS in AEM classes of 2022 and 2023 includes average base salary and average signing bonuses. The breakouts illustrate the differences between jobs located in the US compared to jobs located outside the US.


Average Base Salary

US-based jobs


Average Signing Bonus

US-based jobs


Average Base Salary

Non-US-based jobs


Average Signing Bonus

Non-US-based jobs

Average base salary by industry

Almost half of the graduates are employed in the financial services industry, followed by consulting and technology industries to round out the top three industries.

Base Salary
Salary RangePercent
Financial Services$78,798$28,800-$200,00045%

*Other includes: accounting services, advertising/public relations, consumer packaged goods, energy/utilities, healthcare, law, manufacturing, retail, and transportation/logistics

N/A: less than three data points (needed to maintain anonymity)

Average Base Salary by Job Function

The top five job functions for MPS in Management graduates are: finance, consulting, marketing, general management and data analytics.

Job FunctionAverage
Base Salary
Salary RangePercent
General Management$46,690$41,900-$55,1006%
Data Analytics$64,333$36,000-$115,0005%

*Other includes: accounting, economic analysis/research, operations/logistics, and other

**Does not total to 100% due to rounding

Average Base Salary by Location

The majority of graduates in 2022 and 2023 accepted jobs in Asia and North America.

World RegionAverage
Base Salary
Salary RangePercent
North America$87,582$28,800-$200,00044%
European Free Trade ZoneN/AN/A3%

Top Employers

The list below represents the top companies that hired MPS in AEM graduates in 2022 and 2023 for full-time positions.

ByteDance logo
Citigroup logo
Goldman Sachs logo
PricewaterhouseCoopers logo

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