MPS Employment and Career Support


Received Offers

MPS in Applied Economics and Management (AEM) Employment Report

See how an MPS in AEM from Cornell can enhance your earning potential.


Mark Sullivan Anderson resize (3)

"This program provided an excellent background in the analytical methods needed to conduct field level experiments that uncover true economic relationships. With an advanced focus on behavioral economics, I can honestly say I now see the world much differently than I did before. After completing this program, I have been able to advance into a position that allows me to execute projects that demand a higher degree of quantitative rigor."

Mark Anderson, MPS '22, E. & J. Gallo Winery
Ashley Robins resize (2)

"I had an amazing experience with my career advisor. She went above and beyond in helping me enhance my resume, negotiate my contracts, and connect me with relevant alumni. She was kind, knowledgeable, and genuinely interested in helping me."

Ashley Robins, MPS '22
Rik Oosting resize (2)

“The career services team was in touch before I even arrived on campus . They are very well organized and know each and every student personally. The mock-interview and resume review sessions were especially helpful to me. Because the team knows you personally, they give tailored advice, rather than providing every student with the same resources.”

Rik Oosting, MPS '22, Sharma Strategy Group

Preparing for your career

As an MPS student, you have access to resources across the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. In addition, you are required to complete a capstone problem-solving project, which will give you hands-on experience as you prepare for your post-graduate career.

Ready to See Where the Cornell MPS in Applied Economics and Management Could Take You?