MPS in AEM Curriculum & Concentrations

The Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Applied Economics and Management program entails 30 credit hours of training in applied economics and management through coursework and a capstone problem-solving project. All students are required to select one of six industry-focused concentrations. Students must meet general MPS AEM degree requirements in addition to concentration-specific coursework.


  • Statistics, or BTRY 6010 – Statistical Methods I
  • Intermediate microeconomics or AEM 5600 – Managerial Economics
  • Undergraduate calculus or “Math camp for MBAs” (or Khan Academy calculus)

Required Coursework

  • Quantitative and computational methods (select 6 credits):
    • AEM 5111 – Introduction to Econometrics (Fall, 3 credits)
    • AEM 5410 – Marketing Research (Spring, 3 credits)
    • AEM 5840 – Python for Business Analytics (Fall, 3 credits)
    • AEM 5850 – R Programming for Business Analytics and Business Modeling (Spring, 3 credits)
    • AEM 6061 – Risk Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods (Spring, 3 credits)
    • AEM 6940 – Introduction to Machine Learning (Spring, 3 credits)
    • CEE 5102 – Basics of Programming in Python (Spring, 1 credit)
    • CRP 5250 – Methods for Spatial Economic and Demographic Analysis (Spring, 4 credits)
    • HADM 5760 – Visual Basic for Applications: End-User Programming (Fall/Spring, 3 credits)
    • NBA 6200 – Marketing Research (Spring, 3 credits)
    • NBA 6550 – Business Data Analysis with SQL (Spring, 1.5 credits)
    • NBA 6921 – Machine Learning Applications in Business (Spring, 3 credits)
    • STSCI 5010 – Applied Statistical Computation with SAS (Fall, 4 credits)
    • STSCI 5040 – R Programming for Data Science (Fall, 4 credits)
    • STSCI 5120 – Introduction to R Programming (Fall, 2 credits)
    • STSCI 5740 – Data Mining and Machine Learning (Fall/Spring, 4 credits)
  • AEM 5305 – Global Citizenship (Fall, 1 credit)**
  • AEM 5700 – Management Communications (Fall/Spring, 1.5 credits)
  • Problem-solving project (6 credits): AEM 6991 (Fall, 3 credits)** and AEM 6992 (Spring, 3 credits)**
  • Core coursework specific to each concentration (9 credits)
  • Free Elective Coursework (1–6 credits)
    • Courses must be relevant to your career goals and approved by your concentration leader. Students can select 5000 level courses from across Cornell University for electives.

* Course number TBD
** CEMS students do not take these courses. See CEMS requirements information.

Applied Economics and Management Concentrations