Leadership is their Business

The Dyson School administration—including our deans, program directors, and area coordinators—are renowned experts and industry-leading professionals. Together, with the rest of the Dyson faculty and staff, our leadership team guides our students through enriching academic experiences and into successful careers of doing business for good.

Dean Zhao standing on the stairs inside Warren Hall.

Meet Dean Jinhua Zhao: The Business of Generating Ideas

Jinhua Zhao is a strong believer in collective excellence. Collaboration and inclusion, he says, are essential to generating ideas, expanding frontiers, and training future leaders. Passionate about using business skills to solve society’s most pressing issues, Zhao’s research interests include global climate change and technology adoption.

Learn More About Dean Zhao

Vision & Goals: The Future of Dyson, The Future of Business

Dean Jinhua Zhao envisions a more diverse Dyson: an innovative, collaborative place where cross-disciplinary research reigns and future business leaders are inspired to impact society in positive ways. Specifically, Dean Zhao’s vision for the school is two-fold: He wants to double down on the “our business is a better world” ethos and he wants to ensure Dyson fulfills its mission to prepare tomorrow’s leaders to apply business and economic principles to address the toughest societal challenges. His four goals will get the school there.

Goals for Dyson

We achieve impact through our graduates and discoveries, locally and globally.

We equip leaders with the skills to promote inclusive and sustainable prosperity across the globe.

Our graduates become rigorous and integrative thinkers, innovative leaders, engaged and globally aware citizens, and continuous learners.

Our research, teaching, and engagement activities inject innovation and impact into everything we do through creative, rigorous, and relevant inquiry that improves our teaching.

Students sit in a tiered lecture hall listening to a professor.

Innovation Takes Inclusion: Diversity at Dyson

Innovation happens when everyone’s ideas are heard, valued, and supported. Dyson embraces the diversity of faculty, staff, and students across the school, the College of Business, and the greater Cornell community. A range of enriching events, programs, and resources help foster a culture of belonging and develop principled and purposeful leaders.

See our Diversity and inclusion initiatives

Advisory Councils: Voices & Perspectives from the Cornell and Business Community

Our advisory councils strengthen academics, expand internship and career opportunities, and deepen our connection with the business community at large by bringing in diverse perspectives from students, alumni, and industry professionals.

 Ariel image of Warren Hall and the Ag quad.

Dyson Executive Committee

The Dyson Executive Committee consists of academic leaders from the school who work collaboratively with the dean and the faculty body to innovate coursework, lead, and intellectually challenge students through rigorous courses and educational experiences.

Dyson Staff Leadership

The Dyson Staff Leadership Team is a dynamic group of professionals from the school and the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. Selected by the dean, these individuals have a vested interest in the operational and programmatic management of the school and work to ensure that the Dyson School is an organizational masterpiece.

Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC)

This team of undergraduate students was established in Spring 2022 with the express purpose of advising the Dyson Dean and other school leaders on the issues that matter most to our undergraduate student body. The members of Dean’s Student Advisory Council purposefully span class years, backgrounds, and interests to best represent the variety within the Dyson student body as a whole.

Dyson Advisory Council

The Dyson Advisory Council is comprised of alumni, employers, parents, friends, and other business leaders use their professional experience to guide and support Dyson academics, career development, fundraising, and overall strategy.

Dyson Recent Alumni Council (DRAC)

Alumni provide critical input to the school. The Dyson Recent Alumni Council, made up of alumni who’ve graduated within the past 10 years, advises school leaders, mentors students, provides admissions and recruitment guidance, and contributes to fundraising and inclusion efforts.

Agribusiness Advisory Council

Members of the Agribusiness Advisory Council hail from a variety of farms, companies, trade organizations, financial institutions, and government agencies. They use their business acumen and expertise in food and agriculture to guide coursework and career development.

The Latest from Dyson: News, Stories & Announcements

Dyson faculty, staff, students, and alumni use their knowledge, skills, and creativity to solve real-world problems locally, nationally, and globally. Read about the collaboration, innovation, service, and more happening at Dyson and beyond. 

headshot of Shadi Atallah with the 10 Under 10 graphic identifier overlaid on the photo background.
July 12, 2024

Shadi Atallah Integrates Biology and Economics to Advance Sustainable Agriculture

10 Under 10 honoree Shadi Atallah, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics, is a teacher, mentor, academic leader, and scientific advisor.

People Cooking Potatoes on Coals
July 2, 2024

Dirty Cooking Fuels Pose Major Threat to Infants in India

Dyson School professors Basu and Chau quantify the impact of cooking fuel choice on indoor air pollution and early childhood mortality in India.

Headshot of Richard T. Curtis, flanked by blurred images of Cornell's campus and clock tower.
June 28, 2024

In Memoriam: Richard T. Curtis

Richard T. Curtis, beloved senior lecturer at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, passed away June 9, 2024.

Grow Your (Social) Network: Interact With Dyson 

See the Dyson community making the world a better place in real-time by following us on Instagram. On LinkedIn, gain practical business insight, find career tips and opportunities, and connect with Dyson alumni and partners.